Operation MOM
A Mother's Prayer for her Son in Service
God, Father of Freedom, look after that boy of mine, wherever he may be. Walk in upon him. Keep his mind stayed on Thee. Talk with him during the silent watches of the night, and spur him to bravery whenever called upon to face the cruel foe. Transfer my prayer to his heart, that he may know the lingering love that I have bequeathed to him as an everlasting gift.
Keep my boy contented and inspired by the never-dying faith in his mothers God. He is my gift to freedom. May that freedom forever remain untarnished, God. Through the lonely and confusing hours of training and combat, and throughout all the long days of a hopeful victory, keep his spirit highand his purpose unwavering. Make him a proud pal to all with whom he comes in contact and make his influence a noonday light wherever his duty takes him. Satisfy the hunger of his soul with the knowledge of this daily prayer of mine.
To my country, and to world freedom, O Heavenly Father, have I bequeathed this boy of mine. He is my choicest treasure. Take care of him, God. Keep him in health and sustain him under every possible circumstance of events. Warn him anew under his shelter and under the stars. Touch him with my smile of cheer and comfort and my full confidence in his every brave pursuit.
Silent and alone, I pray, God, but I am only one of millions of mothers, whose prayers stream day and night to you. This is our Gethsemane. Lead us victoriously through it, God. And lead that boy of mine through his. Fail him not .... and may he not fail You, his Country, nor his mother. Thank you, God.
*** Courtesy of Leatherneck Magazine